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Jack Goldberg, Founder (1922-1994)

The youngest of 8 children, Jack learned food early from his Russian immigrant mother. Kreplach, gefilte fish and stuffed cabbage were weekly favorites woven into the fabric of his palate. He went to work early to help his depression strapped family meet ends and quickly found a love in the fertile, local deli scene of the day. Which, by the way, was where he found his other true love, his wife Harriet Victor. Together, they opened the Stage Deli in 1962 on Nine Mile Rd. in Oak Park, Michigan. The pair single-handedly ran the hit deli for 20 years, before moving to West Bloomfield in 1982. Jack was loved and remembered for his exacting attention to detail, discerning taste and big heart.

Steven Goldberg, President

Jack & Harriet’s son, Steven grew up with deli in his blood. From age 7 to high school graduation he worked every position from dishwasher to deli manager before heading off to U of M for a real job. Graduating U of M Law in 1980, he went west and practiced law in Los Angeles for 14 years. However, the food gene was strong. While practicing law by day he acquired a chef’s degree from UCLA and returned to take the helm of the Stage in 1994 when Jack was sadly stricken with his final illness. Steven is the President of the Stage and related restaurants and marvels every day just how good a simple Stage corned beef sandwich can be.

Jolie Goldberg, Assistant Director

Steve’s daughter Jolie was born with Deli DNA! Having graduated from OU and receiving her culinary arts degree at Schoolcraft, Jolie is now honing her management skills at the Stage. Whether it’s the kitchen or the dining room, Jolie is shaping up to be a master of high standards and effective management. Wish her well as she works to help move the Stage Deli into its 7th decade!